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In this commentary on Philippians and Philemon, Pauline specialist Todd D. Still presents engaging teaching on the deeply loved Letter to the Philippian church and the frequently overlooked Letter to Philemon. With clarity and care, Still explains the contents of these letters along lexical and socio-historical lines. He remains attentive to the rhetorical features, theological dimensions, and...

suffering and rejoicing with fellow believers (note 1:29–30; 2:17–18; cf. 1 Cor 12:25).24 In 4:12 Paul elaborates further on how he had been schooled in contentment. The apostle indicates that he had “learned the secret of” or had “been initiated into” contentment irrespective of circumstances. Decided differences in applied meaning notwithstanding, the verb Paul employs to depict his entry into this “school of hard knocks” (myesthai) was also used by various mystery cults to bespeak of a person’s
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